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African American Civil Rights Leader Jackson Supports New York Public Schools to Join Asian Pacific American Programs (Today Nation News) 2022-8-8
African American Civil Rights Leader Jackson Supports New York Public Schools to Join Asian Pacific American Programs
By TN News Desk August 8, 2022

Civil rights leader Jesse Jackson Sr., who worked with Martin Luther King Jr. to fight for equal rights for African Americans, was in a wheelchair a few days ago. Rally for New York Statepublic schoolJoin the Asian Pacific American Education Program from African AmericansAsianUnite to end rising hate crime.

Jackson, the founder of the Rainbow Push Coalition, ran for the presidency of the United States in 1984 and is the second African-American to run for the presidency in history. He is committed to promoting equal rights; He visited the Korean Community Service at Bayside 5th Center (KCS), Liu Chunyi, Kim Duxi, State Senator Anna M. Kaplan and Toby Ann Stawisky, etc., organized an anti-Asian hate rally.

To end rising hate crimes against Asian Americans, Liu Chunyi and Kim Duxi proposed bills in the state Senate and House of Representatives, respectively, requiring public schools in the state capital to include Asian Pacific American history courses, But it has not yet been passed; “Should it be through resolution, link by link, we will fight together against ignorance, hatred, fear and violence”, Jackson said.

Liu Chunyi said,EpidemicIt’s been over two years now, and at the same time, Asian hatred stems from “ignorance” and “fear.” He explained that the “fear” is because the pandemic has killed so many people, and that the “ignorance” stems from society’s perception of Asian-Pacific Americans. History is unknown. He cited a study as an example, which reported that 41% of respondents did not name representatives of Asian Americans, while the vast majority considered Hong Kong star Jackie Chan to be Asian American. ,

Regarding the bill, Liu Chunyi said that opponents pointed out that the proposal contained “race theory”, but only by getting more people to understand the multiculturalism of the United States can we eliminate hatred, and I believe it will. The motion will be passed further. year, and signed by the Governor.

NSW, Connecticut and New York City have all passed bills requiring public schools to include courses in Asian Pacific American history and culture. New York City will pilot it in some public schools this fall and roll it out to the city’s public schools in the spring. of 2024.

Jackson (front row, third from left), supports New York state public schools to be included in the Asian Pacific American education curriculum, calls on African Americans and Asian Americans to unite and end rising hate crime . (Reporter Mu Lan/Photography)

Jackson recently launched a rally in Bayside with Liu Chunyi, Jin Duxi and other civilian generations to support New York State public schools to be involved in Asian Pacific American education...

Jackson recently started a rally in Bayside with Liu Chun, Jin Duxi and other civic representatives to support New York State public schools to join the Asian Pacific American Education Program, and a large number of people supported shown for. (Reporter Mu Lan/Photography)

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