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The rally is being held to teach the history of Asian-Americans in New York state classrooms (News Live Florida) 2022-8-6

The rally is being held to teach the history of Asian-Americans in New York state classrooms

BAYSIDE, Queens (WABC) — Queens launched an effort Friday to teach Asian American history in classrooms across New York state.

Reverend Jesse Jackson headlined the rally in Bayside. It was a call for a coalition between the Asian-American and black communities.

“The bill must be signed. We must fight against ignorance, hatred, fear and violence. One thing leads to another,” Jackson said.

Legislation introduced by state Sen. John Liu would mandate the inclusion of Asian history in the school curriculum.

“There are opponents who believe that there should be no such kind of legislative requirements. There are even people who compare it to critical race theory,” Liu said.

“The deterioration of social conditions that is at the root of violence and hatred pitting communities of color, such as Asians and blacks, against each other. The system is in front of us, they want us to fight. They want us to hate each other. we will face each other. And we, the next generation, have to fight it,” added State Assemblyman Ron Kim.

In May, Eyewitness News spoke one-on-one with Gov. Kathy Hokul and asked her to speak. When asked if she would support a bill that would require the teaching of Asian American history in New York City public schools, Khochal said, “Absolutely.”

Eyewitness News also met with Mayor Eric Adams earlier this year.

“I talked to John Liu — I think he’s right,” Adams said.

In May, Adams announced that New York City public schools would begin teaching AAPI history this fall.

Senator Liu is optimistic that his state bill will become law next year.

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